The Latest in Safety Eyewear News

Common Eye Injuries and Costs

Eye injuries can be very common if you aren't protecting your vision properly. Here are [...]

Protecting Your Eyes At The Office

Working at an office versus in an industrial environment, you might think your eyes are [...]

All The Acronyms For Eyewear

When it comes to eyewear, there are a lot of acronyms you might want to [...]

The Problem With Prescription Safety Eyewear

Ordering prescription safety eyewear can be a lot more difficult than regular eyewear. That's why [...]

Protect Your Eyes From Yard Work Hazards

When doing yard work, there are multiple hazards present that could harm your vision. Protect [...]

How Safety Eyewear Has Changed Over Time

Since its beginning, circa 1880, protective safety eyewear has significantly evolved. The patented “eye protector” [...]

Lens Designs By SafeVision

When purchasing eyewear, it's important to know what lens design works best for you. Learn [...]

All About HOYA

With HOYA as the parent company for SafeVision, we find it important for our customers [...]

The Pros and Cons of Plastic Frames

Plastic frames are very common for safety eyewear. But if you're unsure, here are the [...]

Spring Cleaning Vision Hazards

Spring is the time to clean your home and take care of unfinished projects. Be [...]

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