Facts Your Eye Doctor Might Forget To Tell You

Eye Doctors

Maintaining eye health is an essential part of maintaining your overall health, and sometimes eye doctors might not always tell you all the eye care facts that you should know. That’s why in this blog, we are going to give you the not-so-common-knowledge eye facts that you should know.

Facts Your Eye Doctor Might Forget To Tell You:

  1. When you were little, your parents probably told you that carrots help your eyesight. While that’s not totally untrue, leafy green vegetables are actually better for eye health than carrots. Spinach, kale, and other dark greens contain lutein. Lutein is an antioxidant accumulated by the human retina. Therefore, consuming leafy green vegetables may help decrease the risks of any eye diseases.
  2. UV rays can also damage your eyes if exposed for too long. Whenever you are outside and sunny, be sure to wear protective eyewear that protects you from all angles. Check out SafeVisions selection here.
  3. When you wear polarized eyewear, they reduce glare but also make it harder to see LCD screens. If you experience decreased vision when looking at screens, take off your eyewear before using it for a quick fix.
  4. When you use toilet paper or tissues to clean your lenses, you can actually scratch your eyewear. Paper materials are made of wood, whereas cloth specifically made to clean lenses or other soft materials such as silk doesn’t run the risk of scratching.
  5. Reading in dim light does not cause vision problems (another tall tale).
  6. After an individual’s eyes are dilated, they should wait a few hours before visually concentrating activities such as extended reading.
  7. If your eye drops are painful, they shouldn’t be. One way to decrease discomfort is to keep your eye drops cool in the fridge.
  8. Get eye exams yearly and not just when symptoms of issues occur. Doctors are more likely to spot a problem before it begins, so schedule annual visits for preventative health purposes.
  9. If you contract pinkeye with a virus, it can cause long-term problems and cannot be treated with antibiotics. If you contract pinkeye from bacteria, it can be treated with antibiotics. Let your doctor conduct a test to determine how you got pinkeye and provide you with treatment options.


While these facts can help you keep your eyes healthy, nothing is better than preventative care, especially safety eyewear. At SafeVision, we have safety eyewear for any situation, job, or location. Whether you are on-site or at home, keeping your vision safe is our priority. Visit our website to contact us today. Together we can keep your vision safe and healthy.

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