Maintaining Your Prescription Safety Glasses

safety glasses

Maintaining your prescription safety glasses is critical for the safety of your eyes and longevity of your glasses.

Well cared for safety glasses protect your eyes in the workplace, at home, and outdoors from hazards such as debris, UV damage, chemical splashes, and eye strain.

To keep your safety glasses looking like new, follow these essential safety glasses maintenance tips.

Original price was: $72.99.Current price is: $54.74.
Original price was: $99.99.Current price is: $74.99.
Original price was: $72.99.Current price is: $54.74.
Original price was: $72.99.Current price is: $54.74.
Original price was: $62.99.Current price is: $47.24.

Develop a daily cleaning routine

To ensure that your safety glasses will continue to protect your eyes and your vision in the workplace, you should develop a daily routine.

A daily routine will get you in the habit of correctly caring for your prescription safety and checking them over for damage. Look for cracks in the frame, lenses and side shields if your pair features them.

Any cracks mean the structural integrity of the glasses are compromised and should be replaced immediately.

For example, clean your glasses each and every time you go on break and at the end of the day, storing them in a hard case with microfiber liner in a safe drawer or locker.

Dust off any & all debris before you begin to clean your prescription safety glasses

Before you begin to clean your safety glasses, gently dust or blow off any debris like dirt, sand, or iron powder. This is all to often the most commonly forgotten step!

In doing so, you will be preventing scratches on your safety glasses. Only when debris and dust have been removed should you wipe your lenses.

Use the right cleaner when cleaning your safety glasses

Not all cleaning solutions are safe for the cleaning and maintenance of your safety glasses.

Using the wrong cleaner, like window cleaner, can damage both the special coatings on your safety glasses and the lens material itself. Ammonia is the notable chemical which is commonly found in most window cleaners.

Instead, use a cleaner designed for your prescription safety glasses. These can come in both sprays and pre-moistened wipes and are readily available at your local pharmacy.

Do not clean your safety glasses with the bottom of your shirt, rags, or paper towels. Your shirt tails can hide debris like saw dust and will scratch your lenses.

Also, paper towels are made from wood pulp and can have nearly invisible bits of wood that can also scratch your lenses. It’s best to use a microfiber lens cleaning cloth which comes standard with all SafeVision orders.

Remember to clean the side shields and temples of your safety glasses

Cleaning the lenses of your prescription safety is important, yes, but did you remember to clean the side shields and temples?

The side shields and temples of your safety eyewear can get just as dirty as the lenses and, most importantly, remembering to clean them will help you notice any cracks.

Again, these can be cleaned with the appropriate cleaning solution, as well as being run under lukewarm water and dried with a clean, microfiber cloth.

Clean your cases & microfiber cleaning cloths

The cases and microfiber cloths used to protect your prescription safety glasses can get dirty as well, so it is essential that you regularly clean them.

They’re also far cheaper to replace than your prescription safety glasses.

The recommended cleaning practice

Gently brush or blow hard on the lenses to help eliminate any debris. Then run your safety glasses under lukewarm water and apply a small drop of mild dish detergent to the lenses. Gently rub the detergent all over the surface of the lenses and rinse them in the water.

For the side shields and temples a standard wash cloth or paper towels are fine to use in order to remove the excess water. The lenses, however, should be dried with a microfiber lens cleaning cloth.

Dish detergents have degreasers that can help remove the oils that build up from your face but specialty dish detergents that expressly state that they include any additional cleaning solution should be avoided.

Proper maintenance of your prescription safety eyewear will help increase service life, reduce replacement costs and most importantly, keep your eyes safe. Contact SafeVision today for your safety eyewear needs or shop prescription safety glasses today.

Original price was: $86.99.Current price is: $65.24.
Original price was: $72.99.Current price is: $54.74.
Original price was: $99.99.Current price is: $74.99.
Original price was: $72.99.Current price is: $54.74.
Original price was: $62.99.Current price is: $47.24.
Original price was: $72.99.Current price is: $54.74.

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